With Online Personal Training you'll get expert knowledge at affordable prices. Training includes 1. Personal workout plans 2. Updated diet plans 3. Emails support and Live video calling 4. Extreme ab workout plans 5. Fat burning cardio routines 6. Supplements guides and many more. This fully personalised fitness and nutrition program will help you make dramatic changes to your weight and body shape over a short space of time - in just 12 weeks. But more importantly - it's just the beginning. We will set you up with life-changing habits so the results you achieve remain after you finish the program. As they say - your weight is 80% defined by what you eat, and the rest by exercise. When you work on nutrition and fitness together you get dramatic results - with a lean, well-sculpted body that looks great, functions well, and is much healthier. Our approach to weight-loss is not about starving, supplements or pushing you tirelessly in the gym. We will have you eating healthy, clean food that you like and target the areas of your body needing the most work, pushing you safely to your limits.